Saturday, April 14, 2018

Today (well yesterday...cause procrastination)...

Today  (well yesterday...cause procrastination)...I signed up for CG!!!  For anyone who might not know, CG is Camp Gladiator. I have avoided, made excuses and yes (sorry, so sorry) actively ignored this opportunity for far too long.  I am apprehensively excited and anxiously giddy. I don't mean anxiously like a kid getting ready for dance; but anxiously like trying to get through a crowd at a concert because you're slightly buzzed and really have to pee.
Anyway, I needed to take a survey to complete my profile set up to begin and in my 'elderly' tech excitement to get the app set up I gave quick answers to ensure set up. I have since thought that if I am going to make this work I. just me, only me can be accountable for my results. and I will need to find ways to 'Purge' (if you will) my journey along the way.

Questions and answers (as i remember them...):
"Why" do you want to work out...(my answer was self esteem something something)...this question was multiple choice and I really feel like my answer is All the choices.
so, "why" am i doing this?...
well definitely  to lose some weight, but remain realistically to improve my self esteem, to feel comfortable in my body, my skin and clothes.  I want to get to a healthy weight and I'm not going to lie...I want my work to be noticed!  Ha, i am me...still in my truest form...i am doing this to make it MORE about me!!! I am my own favorite subject! As i think about it...This is something i can do whole-ly for me, and I know that the results I get out of it will be the reflection of what I put in.  I will be able to use this time, as me, as an individual to take care of Me. Something I can have in the midst of being a wife, a mom This is the something I can do with me and for me.

another question was (something to the extent of..) What is a goal in the "why"...and for me the answer is self confidence. I am a stubborn old bird and I finally learned, figured out or saw that the way I am treating (have treated) my body is no longer hasn't (ever really) been good, but i feel that helps me and only gives me one direction to go...up (hopefully because i will weigh a little less.

That question got me thinking about just the basics of beginning a work out routine.  I feel like I should set some goals, and see how total my transformation is in my 4*weeks.
*i guess because of my timing i am getting an extra week. Due to my feelings toward my fitness level I am not counting it but looking to it as 'warm up'...all good routines have them {{{wink wink emoji}}}

So Goals...obvi, loose weight, improve body image, rembember and remind myself that I am strong, brave, faithful, gifted and able.
Oh...Goal: To get healthy and fit and able be around to give my kids as hard a time as i *usually always enjoy* them giving me!

So join me on this adventure...or don't,,, if you pray, please for me on this journey and I will do my best to return this favor in kind by being open, honest and literally working my ass off.
Oh...Goal: To get healthy and fit and able be around to give my kids as hard a time as i have been enjoying* them giving me!

Through him and from my heart,


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