Lots of fun this weekend, from an early morning soccer game, and evening saving the world from epidemic, a beautiful cave and a fun new game (we just made up) to play on the trampoline. I list off these things because without the training that I had I do not think I would have done 1/2 of these things this weekend. I have been suffering pretty hard from what I believe to be the affect of allergies...head, sinus, drainage, sore throat, low energy the whole lot.
An older version of me would have done a lot of laying around and a lot (more) complaining...I did not.
I pushed through and had a great time.
I did take some time about 6:30 to check out and let my body just rest.
Set my alarm for 5 and accepted that it was going to happen weather I wanted it to or not.
My "stoopid" brain plays such tricks on me. I am working to overcome my mind and just enjoy sleep. See, my brain starts playing this game with me (and really it is any time I have an alarm set for ME and its only on Me to wake up and do something) while I am sleeping I get this idea that I have already overslept and my alarm has not gone off. I don't want to wake up to check because I know my alarm is set and .... see then I am awake but refusing to open my eyes ... I just want to enjoy All.The.Sleep while I have it and resting assured that I have set my alarm.
The getting up is pretty easy and I travel through the house in the dark, getting dressed and stumbling out the door grabbing a kids Zbar and water (but not drinking any yet cause...jumping jacks...).
That is the hardest part. No disrespect to my work out, 'cause I worked hard today (Thank You team "magnificent 3" you two rocked! it (and we did end with that panda bear in our bucket so as far as I concerned...we won!!!).
You have probably not been waiting for it, but as this evolves and I get better at stuff...pictures...
today's image brought to you by the color red and my training my hair to become the bride of Frankenstein.
(i am so "un" savvy...i added some 3D effects and lightning bolts but couldn't get them to ^translate^)
Make today better than yesterday and give hugs and high fives freely!
Through Him and from my heart,
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