Friday, May 4, 2018

i think i have an ellipsis...problem...

Weather people have been pushing rain chances all week, but was hopeful that it would hold off, and it did for the most part...little drizzle...
Getting up and going happened smoothly and only a mild groan when i opened the garage door to the falling moisture...I am calling it falling moisture, but really is was humidity waiting to attach itself to your self and drench you...not complaining just ok...complaining; i was muggy and sweaty before i started and soggy and smelly and damp when I was done.
..."rainy" day work out...not so much, but under the awning anyway.

...double timed the first warm up lap (Yay!)...I finished with a group even!!! An upbeat walking pace for the weighted second lap brought me into jacks and a full humidity/sweat soaked warm up (i was kind of missing the rain by this point). Lots of good deep squats and upper body work has left my shoulders a little wobbly but in the best way.

Found out that there is something worse than a stoopid Burpee...the younger, more spry, muscle tweaking Super 'stoopid' is super in that it does everything! and by does...i mean uses...all.the.muscles.
Seriously though today was a great round of different exercises, my favorite(s) probably being the wall sits and curl and the sandbag slams! One of my team mates got loud and encouraging and pulled me through one of my last sets!  When I was introduced to the sandbag on Wednesday it was with 10 pounds...this morning i used a 15 pound bag, so I really needed that extra push!
I think during a station that had a "short" lap I made some real progress in my attempt to turn a lite jog into a run and was able to churn out two short laps (not walking!) and a mini-lap (modified lap 😏). I realized that my mind steps in when I am 'running' and a lot like it tricks me with the 'alarm game', my mind gets all caught up in my thoughts and makes me think I can not keep going...
Maybe that is a long wordy way of saying I let my fear of not being able to keep going slow me down.
No Fear!!! Just Keep Moving!
It is very strange feeling, all of these new aches and pains but all good! I am not feeling that lingering sore pain and I can walk away from most days and still sit down unassisted in a chair (or, yeah a toilet...thank you).

Made it home in time to enjoy My recovery 🎶Chocolate Milk🎶 straight from the carton (cause I {{{better be}}}am the only one getting to enjoy it)!

"May the Fourth be with You"
Give High Fives and/or Hugs Freely!

I might take a nap today.


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