what do i do? i got a job a little over three months ago, and thought it would be a great move, something new, challenging and an opportunity to learn a different industry.
i guess it should start something like i had to get a new job because i was fired. i was fired from a job that i loved, with a company that i enjoyed working for.
why was i fired? that is a tough question. i think i was fired because it was an easy way out for management (management being a former room-mate of another associate who needed "designation"). i openly admit that i made mistakes, but nothing that was against store policy or violating any rules. whatever, i was fired and it was heartbreaking. It took me almost five months to even be offered something that i thought would be a good fit. i took this job and it has turned out to be nothing like the job that was offered in the interview, and the company is dark and shady. there is no support from area managers, no training to speak of, I have been with the company for just over three months and the only real training i have recieved is a refresher course for training that has not even been offered to me. i am only helped when i have made a mistake and not trained on actual policys because nobody seems to follow any of them.
the first assistant manager i worked with transferred to a new location with a promotion only to be fired for unethecial behavior. i don't care that someone was fired, i get that, what i have a problem with is that people were upset about how the old employee got caught, not that they were caught at all. i am expected to sell, be positive and gracious when the people i work with cheat, break rules and make things work in their favor without regard to others.
the office itself is nasty! i can not imagine people coming in and feeling good about working with this compay. everything is filthy and no care is taken for any kind of creature comforts. there is a cleaning crew that comes once a week, but the only scratch the surface, take out the trash and clean the toilet. the branch manager will not even make water available to the branch unless it is under the guise of having it available for customers. the water filter/cooler that is there is dirty, in ill repair and the manager refuses to buy cups for it so that water is available.
Overtime is expected, and from what i can ascertain that comes to the tune of 11 hour days with no questions. there is no room for anything else and no room to improve because the burn out is inevitable. the people i work with are self centered and insensitive with little to no regard for the acutal customers who help run their business. Call the body shops the business, sure they initiate the call to action but it is the person renting the car that needs the care and with almost every interaction i hear about how awful the customers are. racist remarks, insults to demographic groups, lewd gestures and comments about people while they are on the phone or on their way into the location....i would never give my business to this company nor would i tell any of my friends, this is not who i want to learn and grow from and these are not the people i want to have to spend my days (11 hour days) with.
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